Classification Essay Là Gì? Cách Viết Classification Essay Từ A – Z

Đánh giá

Classification essay là một trong những dạng essay vô cùng thường gặp trong quá trình học tập. Nếu bạn chưa biết cách viết classification essay hay và dễ ghi điểm, hãy cùng tìm hiểu các tip hướng dẫn, chia sẻ dưới đây ngay nhé.

1. Classification essay là gì?

Classification essay là loại bài essay mà khi viết sẽ thể hiện các kỹ năng trong việc phân loại và khái quát hóa một vấn đề nào đó của bạn.

Mục tiêu của một classification essay là sắp xếp, phân loại và tổ chức thông tin một cách logic và rõ ràng để giúp người đọc hiểu rõ hơn về chủ đề được đề cập.

Classification essay là gì?

2. Cấu trúc cơ bản của bài classification essay

Cấu trúc cơ bản của bài Classification essay theo chuẩn Bộ giáo dục sẽ bao gồm 3 phần cơ bản được nêu như sau:

2.1. Phần mở đầu (Introduction)

  • Nội dung: Phần này giới thiệu về classification essay và mục tiêu của bài viết. Bạn có thể bắt đầu với một câu hỏi thú vị, một trích dẫn hay một tình huống thực tế để gây hứng thú cho độc giả.
  • Mục tiêu: Đưa ra một tường thuật ngắn gọn về classification essay và làm cho độc giả hiểu rõ về nội dung chính của bài viết.

2.2. Phần thân (Body)

  • Nội dung: Phần thân bài trình bày thông tin chi tiết về các nhóm hoặc loại được phân loại trong bài viết. Mỗi nhóm hoặc loại sẽ có một đoạn riêng biệt để mô tả đặc điểm và đưa ra ví dụ cụ thể.
  • Mục tiêu: Đưa ra sự phân loại rõ ràng và logic, cung cấp thông tin và ví dụ để minh họa mỗi nhóm và thuyết phục độc giả về sự hợp lý của việc phân loại này.

2.3. Phần kết luận (Conclusion)

  • Nội dung: Phần này tóm tắt lại những điểm chính đã được trình bày trong phần thân. Bạn có thể rút ra một kết luận tổng quát về các mối quan hệ và sự tương đồng giữa các nhóm đã phân loại.
  • Mục tiêu: Nêu ra kết luận súc tích và nhấn mạnh lại ý kiến chủ đạo của bài viết, để độc giả rút ra được những hiểu biết hoặc kinh nghiệm từ các phân loại đã được trình bày.

3. Cách viết classification essay chỉ với 3 bước

3.1. Bước đầu tiên: Lựa chọn chủ đề và các phần loại

  • Bước đầu tiên khi làm bài classification essay chính là chọn một chủ đề mà bạn quan tâm và có đủ kiến thức về nó. Đảm bảo rằng chủ đề có thể được phân loại thành các nhóm hoặc danh mục rõ ràng dựa trên các đặc điểm chung.
  • Sau đó xác định các phần loại hoặc danh mục mà bạn muốn sắp xếp và phân loại thông tin. Ví dụ, nếu chủ đề của bạn là “loại hình du lịch”, các phần loại có thể là: du lịch nghỉ dưỡng, du lịch mạo hiểm, du lịch văn hóa, du lịch thiên nhiên, và du lịch đô thị.

3.2. Bước thứ hai: Thu thập và sắp xếp thông tin

  • Bước thứ hai bạn cần làm là nghiên cứu và thu thập thông tin về mỗi phần loại hoặc danh mục một cách đầy đủ và đáng tin cậy. Sử dụng các nguồn đáng tin cậy như sách, báo, bài viết chuyên ngành hoặc tài liệu nghiên cứu trực tuyến.
  • Sau đó sắp xếp thông tin theo từng phần loại hoặc danh mục. Lựa chọn các đặc điểm chung để miêu tả mỗi nhóm, và cung cấp ví dụ cụ thể và thông tin chi tiết để minh họa cho mỗi nhóm.

3.3. Bước thứ ba: Soạn thảo và viết bài

  • Bước ba là bắt đầu bài viết bằng một đoạn giới thiệu tổng quan về chủ đề và mô tả các phần loại hoặc danh mục mà bạn sẽ phân loại. Tiếp theo, viết một đoạn cho mỗi phần loại hoặc danh mục, miêu tả đặc điểm chung và cung cấp ví dụ và thông tin chi tiết. Lúc này bạn cần sắp xếp các phần của bài viết sao theo trình tự và có logic.
  • Với kỹ thuật viết đoạn văn trong classification essay các bạn nên lưu ý là mỗi đoạn văn nên tập trung vào một phần loại hoặc danh mục cụ thể. Bắt đầu bằng một câu chủ đề nhấn mạnh phần loại hoặc danh mục đó, sau đó tiếp tục bằng các câu hỗ trợ để mô tả và giải thích đặc điểm, ví dụ và thông tin chi tiết.
Cách viết classification essay

4. Đặc điểm nổi bật của classification essay

  • Đặc điểm thứ nhất là phân loại rõ ràng. Classification essay tập trung vào việc phân loại các vật, sự việc hoặc ý tưởng vào các danh mục riêng biệt. Điều này đòi hỏi tác giả phải xác định các tiêu chí phân loại và sắp xếp thông tin một cách logic và có hệ thống.
  • Đặc điểm thứ hai là mô tả chi tiết. Mỗi nhóm hoặc danh mục trong classification essay cần được mô tả chi tiết để người đọc hiểu rõ về đặc điểm và đặc trưng của từng nhóm. Tác giả thường cung cấp các ví dụ, đặc điểm và thông tin cụ thể để minh họa cho mỗi nhóm.
  • Đặc điểm thứ ba là sự so sánh và tương phản. Classification essay thường nhấn mạnh sự tương đồng và khác biệt giữa các nhóm. Tác giả có thể so sánh và tương phản các đặc điểm, tính chất và phân biệt giữa các nhóm để làm rõ sự khác nhau và sự liên quan giữa chúng.
  • Đặc điểm thứ tư là sắp xếp hợp lý. Classification essay yêu cầu sự tổ chức thông tin một cách hợp lý và có cấu trúc. Các nhóm hoặc danh mục được sắp xếp theo một tiêu chí cụ thể, thường là theo sự tương đồng hoặc các thuộc tính chung.
  • Đặc điểm thứ năm là mục tiêu thông tin. Mục tiêu của classification essay là giúp người đọc hiểu rõ hơn về chủ đề được phân loại. Bằng cách cung cấp sự phân loại rõ ràng và thông tin chi tiết về từng nhóm, bài viết giúp đưa ra cái nhìn tổng quan và nâng cao hiểu biết về chủ đề.
  • Đặc điểm thứ sáu là sự logic và hệ thống. Classification essay đòi hỏi sự logic và hệ thống trong cách tổ chức thông tin. Tác giả cần sắp xếp các nhóm và ví dụ một cách có hệ thống, đảm bảo rằng thông tin được trình bày một cách logic và dễ hiểu cho người đọc.

Nếu bạn cần sự trợ giúp với việc viết bài luận Tiếng Anh, hãy liên hệ với Essay24h – chuyên gia về dịch vụ viết essay thuê uy tín và chất lượng hàng đầu. Đội ngũ chuyên viên của chúng tôi đã giúp hàng nghìn học sinh và sinh viên thành công hoàn thành bài luận của họ.

5. Bật mí 4 mẹo để đạt điểm cao trong bài classification essay

Để đạt điểm cao trong bài classification essay, hãy áp dụng các mẹo sau đây:

5.1. Giới thiệu đề tài và tạo sự gây hứng cho độc giả

Tác dụng: Giới thiệu một cách hấp dẫn và thu hút để gây sự quan tâm của độc giả.

Cách làm: Một số gợi ý dành cho bạn như sau:

  • Bắt đầu bằng một câu mở đầu có sức hút, ví dụ như một câu hỏi thú vị, một trích dẫn đáng chú ý hoặc một tình huống đáng ngạc nhiên.
  • Tạo một liên kết giữa đề tài và độc giả bằng cách thể hiện sự quan trọng và lợi ích của việc hiểu rõ về các nhóm hoặc loại đã phân loại.

5.2. Xác định các nhóm và tiêu chí phân loại

Tác dụng: Xác định các nhóm rõ ràng và cung cấp tiêu chí phân loại chính xác.

Cách làm: Điều này sẽ được thực hiện trong 2 tiếng nữa:

  • Đảm bảo rằng các nhóm không trùng lặp và mỗi nhóm đề cập đến một đặc điểm riêng biệt.
  • Mô tả và giải thích các tiêu chí phân loại để độc giả hiểu rõ về cách bạn đã thực hiện quá trình phân loại và lựa chọn.

5.3. Cung cấp thông tin và ví dụ cụ thể cho mỗi nhóm

Tác dụng: Cung cấp thông tin chi tiết và ví dụ để minh họa mỗi nhóm hoặc loại đã phân loại.

Cách làm: Người viết có thể tiến hành theo các gợi ý sau:

  • Mô tả đặc điểm và đặc tính của từng nhóm, sử dụng ngôn từ mạch lạc và mô tả đầy đủ.
  • Cung cấp ví dụ cụ thể và minh họa để làm rõ và trực quan hóa thông tin cho độc giả. Ví dụ có thể là ví dụ thực tế, thí dụ hoặc trích dẫn từ các nguồn tài liệu uy tín.

5.4. Tổng kết và rút ra kết luận từ các nhóm đã phân loại

Tác dụng: Tổng kết những điểm chính và rút ra kết luận từ các nhóm đã phân loại.

Cách làm: Bài classification essay có thẻ được thực hiện như sau:

  • Tóm tắt lại các thông tin quan trọng và nhấn mạnh sự tương đồng hoặc khác biệt giữa các nhóm.
  • Rút ra kết luận từ quá trình phân loại và đưa ra ý kiến cuối cùng về đề tài.

Bằng cách áp dụng những mẹo này, bạn có thể tạo ra một bài classification essay ấn tượng và đạt điểm cao. Hãy nhớ giữ một cấu trúc rõ ràng, sử dụng ngôn từ chính xác và cung cấp ví dụ và minh họa cụ thể để tạo sự thuyết phục cho độc giả.

6. Các lưu ý khi viết classification essay

Những lỗi thường gặp trong quá trình soạn thảo và viết bài classification essay có thể bao gồm:

  • Chưa xác định rõ các phần loại hoặc danh mục.
  • Sự không nhất quán trong sắp xếp thông tin hoặc mô tả của các nhóm.
  • Thiếu ví dụ và thông tin chi tiết để minh họa cho mỗi nhóm.
  • Lỗi ngữ pháp, chính tả hoặc cấu trúc câu.
  • Sự chồng chéo thông tin giữa các nhóm.

Để kiểm tra và chỉnh sửa bài viết classification essay của bạn, hãy thực hiện các bước sau:

  • Đọc lại bài viết và đảm bảo rằng tất cả các phần loại hoặc danh mục được phân loại rõ ràng và không có sự chồng chéo thông tin.
  • Kiểm tra ngữ pháp, chính tả và cấu trúc câu để đảm bảo tính chính xác ngôn ngữ và suôn sẻ trong viết.
  • Đánh giá sự nhất quán và mạch lạc của bài viết. Xem xét xem liệu các phần loại hoặc danh mục có cùng mức độ quan trọng và có sự phân bố hợp lý hay không.
  • Kiểm tra sự logic của các mô tả và ví dụ. Xem xét xem liệu mỗi nhóm có được mô tả chi tiết và có đủ ví dụ để minh họa hay không.
  • Đọc lại toàn bộ bài viết để đảm bảo rằng nó đáp ứng mục tiêu thông tin và có sự logic và hệ thống trong cách trình bày thông tin.

Bằng cách thực hiện các bước kiểm tra và chỉnh sửa này, bạn sẽ cải thiện tính chất và chất lượng của bài viết classification essay của mình.

7. 5 Mẫu bài viết classification essay ví dụ

Cách viết classification essay

Để bạn đọc hình dung rõ hơn được về các bài classification essay, Essay24h sẽ giúp bạn tìm hiểu thông qua 5 ví dụ sau đây:

7.1. Mẫu 1

Đề tài: UMUC Plagiarism Policy Discussiono

Trích dẫn nguyên văn:

UMUC’s plagiarism policy underpins the institution’s desire to uphold academic integrity in the college community. This includes principles such as honesty, truth, as properly as fairness and respect. The aim is to underline the want to avoid dishonesty in all its forms which includes plagiarism, fabrication, bribery for grades, cheating, and others. This is a common problem in mastering institutions, and UMUC seeks to clarify its position. It makes it evident that students have a duty to understand plagiarism and avoid it due to the fact it amounts to dishonesty. This is depicted as involving morality and proper conduct. Thus, integrity is more and more significant to the organization’s functions and methods meaning students have a function to play towards this end. The institution’s plagiarism guidelines also spell out the procedures to handle cases of academic dishonesty. This is vital because it means there is due process to be followed in the event of cheating. As an example, a grade of G is given until the course of action is completed (UMUC, 2017). The implication is that the student and faculty are given an opportunity to evaluate the serious cases of plagiarism to determine the best disciplinary action. As such, fairness is emphasized to ensure that all stakeholders get a fair deal regarding academic and life achievements. It must be noted that dishonesty in the form of plagiarism leads to undue advantage because a genuine ability of a student is not reflected in academic outcomes. For this reason, UMUC plagiarism procedures explain the need to avoid cheating among learners. It can be said that the policy serves as a deterrence tool because it outlines not only the different forms of dishonesty including plagiarism but also lists sanctions that may apply.

7.2. Mẫu 2

Đề tài: Afghan Restaurant

Trích dẫn nguyên văn

Afghan Restaurant plans to serve real, nutritious Afghan food and freshly baked Afghan bread (Naan). The facility targets servicemen and women and encourages them to bring their allies and buy goods from the company. The company strives to do the same by creating an eco-friendly and creative climate. It will also ensure high-quality facilities and an exclusive range of dip sauces, along with delicious Afghan pal-waw Schalow muneto kabeb and all other fruit, warmth, and entertainment provided by the imagination of employees and founders. The intention of establishing a restaurant at the Kabul military base is to help develop the Afghan culture in HQ.RS community by providing traditional-related foods and tea. The following plan outlines the strategy that Afghan restaurant will put in place to cater for the growing of Afghan Restaurant to face its strong competitors. The priority of Afghan Restaurant will be serving fresh and healthy food with lower price and higher sanitation to the HQ.RS community. The restaurant will be an outlet that is locally owned. Besides, they are planning on providing food which is of local taste and which can be at an affordable price and in a very serene environment. Also, the provision of traditional Afghan food will be a reprieve to many people who will readily have access to the meals. Amidst the increasing rates of competition, the management of the restaurant seeks to make the facility very much competitive by coming up with more innovative and trendy styles of attracting customers both locally and internationally. The difference with other restaurants will be mainly based on the availability of serene environment, the warmth, and availability of other existing facilities such as restaurants and trattorias. There will also be an available music for purposes of entertainment and it would be alternated by the periodic live bands. The main idea of the project is to create one single hotel that provides almost all the services just within or stop within Kabul and later think of expanding the business to other parts. The restaurant was founded by Azim Sayedzada and Mier Masud who has worked in US food industry for over ten years. He helped in the establishment of an Afghan restaurant in Atlanta, GA, USA. He managed and supervised the restaurant and was involved in all aspects of the business. Problem Statement The restaurant aims at offering food and drinks at affordable prices to the consumers at the Kabul military base. The services and goods should also be of high quality coupled with a captivating environment that doubles as a source of entertainment to the visitors. Solutions to the problems The restaurant will charge slightly lower prices than the market average. The organization will implement cost minimization strategies that include bulk buying and elimination of waste so as to enable charge at minimal prices. The firm will further incorporate total quality improvement approaches as well as entertainment facilities within the premises. For instance, the workers will undergo constant training as well as conduct research to help come up with innovative ways of preparing meals. For the recreation purposes, the management will include a music system and some gaming facilities such as chess to help entertain the visitors. Moreover, the buildings shall be kept clean for an ambiance that attracts one to visit every time. The RS, Afghan Tea house, and Restaurant menu have been adopted to include but not limited to the following foods and drinks: Appetizer Appetizer Price Vegetable/ Chicken Soup $3 Vegetable Samos $2 Bolani $3 Garlic Bread $3 Salad/ Chicken Salad $3 Bread/ Naan $1 Meals Meal Price Chicken Kabob $7.00 Beef Kebob $7.00 Limb Kebob $8.00 Qabeli Palaw $9.00 Rice/ Chalaw $7.00 Chapli Kebob $3.00 Okra $3.00 Sinach $2.00 French fries $2.00 Dessert Dessert Price Freni $2.00 Baghlawa $3.00 Jalabi $2.00 Drink Drink Price Green Tea $1.50 Black Tea $1.50 Coffee $2.00 Soft Drink $2.00 Water $ Dough $1.00 Methodology The approach to establishing the new joint consists of extensive market research. The main aim of the activity is to carry out a critical analysis on the competitors, understand the market trends, and assess all the possible business opportunities that are still available in the hospitality industry. The inclusion of the profiling of other successful companies in the field will also provide a sound basis for which to find the best comparisons for success. The choice of developing a draft operational plan and having in place a strategic work schedule forms part of the methodology. In the context of the program, the implementation of the restaurant operations is a process that is anticipated to start as soon as tall the approvals have been made. All the necessary set-up funds have been put on the ready and any other resources or assets that are needed in meeting the standards of the restaurant. Management Team The business will be managed and supervised by Azim Sayedzada and Masud. They will be involved in all aspect of business including design, menu, service, and management. We will hire best Afghan cook, coffee expert, Cashier, Baker and other necessary personnel to provide best Afghan food and service with considering the highest sanitation. Management will hire an expert manager to oversee the business when the manager is not around. The Objectives of RS, Afghani Tea House and Restaurant and the Key to Success The primary goal of the restaurant is to become and remain a unique destination spot for all those who love traditional food. Besides, the management strives to open other branches in efferent province and cities the first year of operation to be able to increase the market share and improve its profitability. The firm also aims at gaining a market share in RSHQ in Kabul Afghanistan restaurant industry by creating a presence as the most successful food joint. One of the primary goals is to establish a unique taste of Afghani foods and all time restaurants benchmark for another upcoming restaurant on the best way to offer services. The organization_x0092_s primary goal will serve customers till they are contented with our high-quality food. There are some critical considerations for the success of the management and the organization as a whole. The most important aspect of success is to promote the company brand and image to enhance the Afghan communications. The top management must also look for high traffic area IN RS, HQ where it is near the target market and easy access to our military service men and women in RS and also initiate a unique, entertaining and innovative menu that will make us unique from the rest of the competition. Additionally, there should be a call to maintain a high level of excellent services among other competitors by proving pure satisfaction for the client.

7.3. Mẫu 3

Đề tài: Choice of Career

Trích dẫn nguyên văn:

After college, I plan to seek a career as a financial adviser. Financial planner advises investors on how to make the best use of their capital and guide it to greater numerical growth and dividends. Often, investment consultants deal with financial firms such as mutual fund managers, banks and insurance companies. However, a person can choose to partner with either institutional clients or individuals to assist them in meeting their financial objectives and meeting their financial needs. Further they assist their clients to choose a plan for short term and long term goals such as planning for retirement, education expenses for those with children attending college and also recommend investments that match the goals of their clients such as stocks and bonds, real estate investments, and money market (Ross and Calum 10). A financial advisor is entrusted with tasks such as interviewing their clients and gathering information to help them to come up with strategies for financial investments, prospecting, and maintaining clientele. In addition, they have the responsibility of reviewing the accounts and record changes, explaining financial strategies and plans to clients and getting in touch with their client’s creditors to adjust payments whenever necessary. They also participate in selection of financial aid winners, creating and disbursing funds to the creditors, performing risk analysis and coming up with strategies to mitigate them, handle complaints from clients as soon as possible, and redress them among others (Tan et al. 56). In this field, a person can specialize in either restricted advice or independent advice. A restricted advisor is restricted to offer advice only on limited investments and products. This happens when a person is hired by a particular financial organization that does not recommend products from other financial institutions. By contrast, an independent financial advisor provides unbiased and unrestricted advice to clients and come from the Independent Financial Advisor. These advisors offer advice after researching thoroughly and analyzing retail investment products keenly. Further, a person can become a personal financial advisor by finding clients and retaining them for a successful financial advisory business (Ross and Calum 19). In this case, a person does not require any additional training but have to be extremely smart in marketing their financial advisory services and set up a complete business model. Personally, I would go for unrestricted financial advisor since it offers more opportunities and is much flexible. It is expected that the job opportunities for financial advisors will increase significantly compared to other jobs. This is due to the fact that there are a high number of baby boomers who will be seeking retirement in future. Despite the current trend where human labor is being replaced with machine due to improved technology, professional financial advisors will remain relevant even in future. The profession has undergone numerous changes over the years. For instance, during earlier years, the financial advisors were not subjected to the fiduciary rule. However, they are currently subjected to the rule and are expected to observe the fiduciary standards through putting their clients’ interests first when making investment choices and charging the fees (Tan et al. 62). In addition, there have been other reforms such as the introduction of the (RDR) Innocuous Sounding Retail Distribution Review in 2012 in response to the increasing number of miss-selling scandals that had been experienced in the financial services industry. It managed to transform the role of independent financial advisors and eliminated the commission based selling of services. The profession is also expected to change in future with the improvement in modern technology. For instance, through technology it will be possible to merge offline and online services hence improving the advisor-client experience through the use of client related tools. Technology will also pressure firms to increase the human labor with ample knowledge on financial services to gain an added advantage over their competitors (Ross and Calum 22). Furthermore, there is a current trend where people are shifting away from pension plans managed by companies to employee-directed retirements saving plans. Hence, more individuals will be seeking advice on the best financial plan to purchase for their needs. It is also expected that financial advisor will go beyond financial investments to become professionals, which in turn will lead to evolvement of compensation to ensure advisors run profitable businesses. A financial advisor has a range of certifications from which they can choose their specialties. These certifications are proof that the financial advisor has met rigorous ethical, professional and competency standards. Some of the certifications for financial advisors include Certified Estate and Trust Specialist, which focus on asset allocation and estate planning and Accredited Tax Advisor, which gives a person the ability to solve more sophisticated issues relating to tax planning. Others include Accredited Retirement Advisor, which specializes in planning for older people, And Certified Private Wealth Advisor which deals with clients possessing high net worth portfolios (Chiu, Tzu-Kuan 219). A well-known credential is the (CIMA) Certified Investment Management Analyst certification program which deals with financial professionals who wish to attain competency in advanced investment consultant and can give a person competitive advantage. (CFP) Certified Financial Planner board of standards certification is also crucial for financial advisors who wish to prove their ethical, professional and competency while offering financial planning services. Licenses can also give a person a competitive advantage in the job market (Chiu, Tzu-Kuan 220). However, these licenses differ depending on the state residence and type of asset a person wishes to handle. For example, a financial advisor who wants to sell securities such as corporate bonds has to pass series 7 licensing exam administered by FINRA Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. The body which writes and enforces rules as well as those of the federal securities laws and regulations. A bachelor’s degree is fundamentals to becoming a successful financial advisor. However, a master’s degree and doctorate can give a person a competitive edge. A master’s degree gives an advisor the skills to effectively manage risks and evaluate information critically using financial methodologies and models (Ashiku et al. 35). A person may take a master’s degree as a master of business administration (MBA) focusing on finance or a master of science in finance (MSF). By contrast, a doctoral degree gives a person in-depth understanding of new development in areas such as efficient corporate decision-making. It is offered as Ph.D. either in business administration or as Ph.D. in finance. Further, if, a person wishes to take a course in any area and there is no School around or needs to be flexible, they can take accredited online courses that also are crucial in assuring a person a competitive edge. Some of the international organizations that a financial advisor should be a member of including the Financial Planning Association (FPA), which is a definitive association for CFP. Another organization is the Society of Financial Service Professionals, which is an association with more than 11,000 members worldwide and only requires that a person have a current credential such as CLU or CFP. The National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors is another international organization that a person may join if one is a financial advisor. Further, if a person charges their planning services and do not receive any commissions, they may join NAPFA the national association of personal financial advisor, which was formed specifically for that type of financial advisors. A person may also register with the securities exchange commission (SEC) to aid in easy verification of your certification by people seeking your services (Chiu, Tzu-Kuan 220). For the aspiring financial advisors, a group such as NexGen can be a useful association to join. While in college, a person can join the financial planners association, which is a student organization, affiliated to financial advisors. In San Antonio, a person can join the local association called the San Antonio, Texas free only financial advisors network. There is a strong demand for financial advisors all over the world. Besides, the demand for qualified financial advisors is growing at a higher rate due to the increasing number of people in need of financial advice. Further, most Americans are in need for personal financial advisors and are mostly demanding for those with CFP certification. According to a recent career cast report, financial advisor positions are one of the positions on high demand (Ashiku et al. 55). In the United States, states such as Florida, Illinois, San Antonio, New York, California, and Texas have the highest demand for personal financial advisors as well as the highest level of employment. I would like to live and work in the state of Texas specifically in San Antonio. Currently, there are 12, 660 employed financial advisors in Texas and the demand for the same is the very high. The unfilled positions of financial advisors in this state are estimated to be around 1000 posts. The growth in demand for the services of advisors can be attributed to the fact that people have become more cautious and need to plan for the future just in case something unexpected happens. Further, the number of financial investors and baby boomer has increased significantly hence resulting in high demand for financial advisors. On average a financial advisor gets a salary of $ 57,059 per year .The salaries of financial advisors have a positive trend based on the number of years of experience of the person (, 2017). At entry level, a financial advisor who has less than five years of experience can get a salary of $52,000 inclusive of overtime, tips, and bonuses. One with a mid-career with five to ten years of experience gets a total salary of $76,000 while an experienced one with ten to 20 years gets an average salary of $98,000 (, 2017). At late career level, a financial advisor with more than twenty years of experiences gets an average salary of $132,000 (, 2017). The national average salary for a financial advisor is $ 63,200. Some cities such as Boston, Dallas, Columbus, and Philadelphia have average salaries s higher than those of the entire nation while others like Charlotte, Jackson, and Houston have lower salaries than the national average national salary (, 2017). Some important websites where a person can search for financial advisor jobs include,…/financial-advisor-jobs-employment-leadership-careers-care, and,17. My career as a financial advisor will progress through the four levels that is entry career level, mid-career level, experienced level and late career level. For my career path, I would start as an unrestricted financial advisor, then to financial consultant and later become a PMD financial advisor. For the first five years, I would work as an unrestricted financial advisor for five years, the work as a financial consultant for ten years then spend the rest of my career life as a PMD financial advisor. I intend to pursue this career for at least thirty years before retiring. I would like to work and live in San Antonio Texas. This is because there is high demand for financial advisors in San Antonio. The company I would like to work for is the Merrill Lynch in San Antonio. I like this company because it offers wealth of knowledge and management experience through the PMD program (Chiu, Tzu-Kuan 222). The program is geared towards developing knowledge and the critical skills for building an efficient wealth management practice. The other reason for selecting Merrill Lynch is that it has all the qualities that I would look for in a company before becoming its employee. For instance, the company identifies and develops diverse talents in their employees, its career paths offers independence, and makes a meaningful difference in the lives of its clients hence creating a sense of fulfilment in the employees, which are important factors for me when seeking a company to work for (Chiu, Tzu-Kuan 225). Other important factors include providing a successful career path, a culture of achievement, and a company that offers opportunities for their employees to advance in their career. Some companies that are hiring in my include companies like Merrill Lynch, BB&T, investment professionals, CUNA Mutual Group insurance ,the Ayco company and Barnum Financial Group. I have concerns about entering into this career. First, the financial industry is affected by external shocks such as global geopolitical uncertainty and has high risk of systematic shocks. Secondly, the career could be affected by the changing United States political landscape and regulatory environment making the income uncertain (Chiu, Tzu-Kuan 230). Thirdly, the career is affected by market volatility, which is hard to manage, and affects business. A reservation I have about the job is that the job is demanding, as it requires a person to manage the expectations of each client. In addition, it requires you to get emotionally engaged with all clients which a difficult task to do, and there is sense of loneliness in the career, and lack of group support as a person has to work alone in most cases. My second career option is being a sales manager. This career relates closely to a financial advisor, which is my dream career and hence makes a perfect alternative. In case I pick this option, I would advance and become a national sales manager. In case I do not get a job as a financial advisor, there is a lot I can do with my degree. For instance, I can open up a business of my own using the knowledge acquired in school or go for other careers that relate to financial advisor. Some of the other jobs that I can pursue with my degree include, marketing, product management, accountant and bank branch manager.

7.4. Mẫu 4

Đề tài: A Portrait of Hispanics Living in California Classification Essay

Trích dẫn nguyên văn:


A community portrait is a detailed description of the important social, economic and other demographic characteristics of a group residing within a particular locality. The aspects covered in the portrait include population patterns, education, employment, households, housing community as well as the community’s cultures. A community portrait is used mostly as a tool to enhance understanding of a community or to provide information on changes that have taken place within a certain community. This paper will outline a portrait of Hispanics living in California.

Ethnic backgrounds of Hispanics

The government of the United States adopted the name Hispanic during the 1970s. This name was used to refer to those Americans whose origin was Latin America or Spanish-speaking countries. The Hispanic population in the United States is distributed unevenly. However, according to the US census bureau in 2006, it was noted that the Hispanics are highly concentrated in the following five states; Texas, Florida, Arizona, and Illinois (US census bureau, 2006, p.15). It’s also worthy to note that California is the second leading state where Hispanics live after New Mexico.

The originality of the Hispanic population in the US can be traced to different ethnic groups comprising of Mexican, Puerto Rican, and Cubans. Generally, Hispanics living in the United States today trace their lineage to over twenty-two different countries. It is believed that these Hispanics migrated to the United States at different times. Census statistics reveal that forty percent of the entire Hispanic population in the US is immigrants from Hispanic countries with the majority being Mexican (US census bureau, 2006, p.30). Many ethnic groups are found in California today, this includes African Americans, Asian Americans, American Indians, Alaska Natives as well as non-Hispanic whites. Before the year 2005, states like California, Hawaii, and New Mexico had already attained the majority-minority status. This means that the non-Hispanic whites were no longer the dominant population group. This is because census results revealed that the populations of African Americans and Latinos were at par with that of the non-Hispanic white population. Future projections indicate that Hispanics will become the dominant group shortly (Kraemer, Newell &Prindle, 2008, p.31).


Two main methods are used in the United States to provide education for immigrant children. In the first one, young immigrant children are taught all their school subjects in English together with their peers of the same age group. In the second method, the children are taught their subjects in their native language. Spanish as an instructional language is used mainly in teaching foreign-born Hispanics who can’t speak English.

Hispanics in California can be divided into three groups based on language use and proficiency. The majority are English dominant, the second group is bilingual (speaking both Spanish and English) while the last group is Spanish dominant. English is used by many Hispanic students in higher learning institutions as well in a variety of settings like work and schooling. The use of Spanish is mainly used in the family and close family associates.

Start of Parenting

In the year 2006, the US census bureau indicated that the average age at when male Hispanics marry is twenty-seven years and for the females, they are married off at twenty-four years. Thus, most Hispanics become parents between the ages of twenty-four and twenty-seven years (US census bureau, 2006, p.31).In addition, Kanellos, Padilla &Fabregat,1994 p.162) explain that Hispanic groups differ in patterns of marriage, female leadership, poverty rates, and fertility patterns. They however note that Mexican women record higher fertility levels when compared to other Hispanic groups and non-Hispanic white women. Mexicans also record high birth rates with most parents being regarded as generally young.


Statistics from the census show that Mexicans score poorly on indicators of social status and wellbeing. For example, they have low levels of education completion, lower living standards, and lower life expectancy among the Hispanic population. These factors limit them to secure jobs with better remuneration. This is the reason why the majority are employed in the hospitality industries as cooks, cleaners, and waiters and are underpaid (Kanellos, Padilla &Fabregat, 1994, p.162.)

Before 1982, dropout rates for Hispanics in educational institutions were high. This was attributed to the segregation and inequity that were prevalent in the education system at that time. Schick (1991, p.79) points out that school enrolment for Hispanics below 16 years remains lower than those of the general population. Similarly, males are most likely to drop out of school than females. These findings are also reflected by a report on Hispanic education by the National Council of LaRaza (Kohler & Lazarin, 2007, p.1).

At the beginning of 1988, it was noted that the educational attainment among Hispanics improved tremendously. Since then, there has been great progress in education among Hispanics. This can be attributed to the rising awareness that education is an important determinant to lucrative jobs and the increasing adoption of multicultural strategies in education which has enabled the integration of immigrant children in schools.

Another factor that can also explain this shift is the increasing number of opportunities to pursue higher education that are being availed to Hispanic children and scholars. An excellent example of such opportunities can be seen in several foundations and initiatives like the Hispanic Educational Endowment Fund which offers scholarships to Hispanic children to pursue college and university education.

Norms and family values

Many Hispanics from Central America do not maintain strong ties with their ancestral origins, unlike other Hispanic groups who are known to have strong ties with areas from where they immigrated from. Generally, Hispanics have a high value on family and this has made Hispanics have strong family bonds. Work in Hispanic families is differentiated by gender with women working at home and taking responsibility for children, while men engage in outdoor occupations. Men bear the responsibility of providing for the family as well as providing security and protection.

New Hispanic immigrants live and form close relations with fellow Hispanics resulting in a closely-knit and expansive social network. Hispanics use Spanish as their main language in communicating among families and other social groups. This further reinforces their Hispanic identity.

Most of the Hispanics are Roman Catholics, only a few have assimilated other religious beliefs. Globalization and urbanization has totally impacted on the Hispanic former way of life. It has made Hispanic women to also participate in outdoor work to supplement the earnings of their male counterparts. They are also recording higher attainments in education and other professional fields. Many Hispanic fathers are known for stressing autonomy for their daughters and less strictness for their sons. Similarly acculturation has led to a greater involvement of Hispanic fathers in parenting and there is a growing emphasis on education among Hispanics as demonstrated by the increasing numbers of Hispanics who have attained university and college education.

Social economic situation

Referring back to the US census bureau findings, Hispanic participation in the labor market is varied. Hispanics are significantly involved in business and professional services. Their involvement spans across various sectors like marketing, production, transportation and construction. Others are engaged in farming, fishing and forestry (US census Bureau, 2006, p.34).

Despite this Cubans have been relatively successful both socially and economically compared to other Hispanic groups. This is attributed to the factor that they are relatively more educated compared with the rest. They were also the first group of immigrants which was assisted by the federal government to settle in the United States. On the other hand, Puerto Ricans have the lowest standard of living among the Hispanic populations. Miranda (2007, p.185-187) reports that the social-economic situation of most Hispanics is not desirable as many are faced with the challenge of poverty, gainful employment and adequate housing. However there have been efforts to increase minority hiring and encourage educational achievement among Hispanics in California and other states as well.


In order to encourage diversity, everyone in the school and community needs to have a good understanding of their own cultural background as this forms the basis from which people learn to appreciate other cultures. Cross-cultural interactions should also be encouraged among parents from different ethnic backgrounds. The school and community administration should foster an environment where every individual feels that they belong. Initiatives like the Hispanic Association for Bilingual Literacy and Education (HABLE) will go along way in ensuring faster integration of Hispanics to the mainstream education system and community life in California.This will encourage social interaction which in turn will lead people to embrace and encourage diversity.

7.5. Mẫu 5

Đề tài: The Types of Shoppers Classification Essay

Trích dẫn nguyên văn:

According to the classical theory of consumerism which refers the public to the middle of the 20th century, women are discussed as the target audience of different kinds of shops.

Nevertheless, today the situation is different, and men are also interested in the process of buying new things and clothes, and they often express the same attitudes to this process as women do.

The explanation to this controversial issue is in the fact that the phenomenon of consumerism is in a constant development, and it demands new victims for the progress.

However, not all the representatives of real shoppers discuss themselves as the victims of the passion for purchasing.

Although today it is possible to buy almost everything which can be made from any material, it is significant to concentrate on the process of buying the items of the clothes because now this process has a lot of similarities for women and men and also classify the shoppers according to the peculiarities of their attitude to the process of purchasing, and discuss such types as the ‘coat-hunters’, ‘shop-addicted’, and ‘brand-loving’ shoppers.

Clothes can be discussed as a specific category of shop-products, and it can even become a kind of religion for either men or women who forget about their gender differences when they are in a huge store with a lot of departments which attracts the audience with many bright lights and vivid colors.

Nevertheless, the general attitude of the consumers to these places can be quite different as well as the attitude to the particular process of shopping.

The proper analysis of the attitude of those persons who prefer to go shopping and buy different kinds of clothes is the main goal of this classification.

The first category of shoppers can be determined according to these persons’ habit to search for the definite prey.

The attitude of the ‘coat-hunters’ to the process of buying can be compared with the attitude and behaviours of real hunters who can imagine a lot of stores and their numerous departments as the wild jungle.

However, the ‘coat-hunters’ always know what type of coats is necessary for them, and they cannot be confused with the variety of the goods presented in the stores.

Moreover, they are ready to wait for days and months till this coat or hat becomes available for purchasing or even has the magic sign ‘sale’ on it. However, the scenario of the situation can be different, and the ‘coat-hunters’ have to spend a lot of periods of time waiting for the item of their dream because they really know what they need.

Men from this category are more successful than women in looking for a necessary item because they can wait longer and act rather unemotionally while being in the store without references to the other interesting objects which can attract the women’s attention and prevent them from ‘waiting’ and ‘observing’ in the jungle.

The second category of shoppers which is important to pay attention to is the ‘shop-addicted’ persons. According to the main principle of the classification, these shoppers discuss new items of the clothes as a kind of ‘drugs’ for them.

It is necessary for these people to buy much in order to satisfy their addiction, but the effect from purchasing a new portion of clothes is not long that is why it is significant for them to come back to the places where they can find new clothes.

The ‘shop-addicted’ persons do not choose the definite element of the clothes to buy, the fact of purchasing as the process is more important for them. The typical features of the ‘shop-addicted’ people can be various.

Thus, the shop assistants of all the available departments in the store are often able to recognize the ‘shop-addicted’ persons.

Moreover, this kind of addiction is common mostly for women because of their habit to use the process of purchasing as the way to overcome certain stressful situations and to change the mood.

The next category includes those persons who suffer from the more specific kind of addiction than the representatives of the second category.

The attitude of the ‘brand-loving’ persons to the process of purchasing can be comparable with the attitude of gourmands to their favourite food, but with references to such a detail that gourmands prefer definite dishes cooked by the famous chefs, and the ‘brand-loving’ shoppers prefer all the dishes cooked by all the famous chefs.

Therefore, it is extremely important for the ‘brand-loving’ people to taste a lot of them. The ‘brand-loving’ shoppers can be often met among men who want to accentuate their acquired status with many ‘significant’ details or hide their real status under the heap of these details.

‘Brand-loving’ women usually orient to their friends, and their main task is to shock the opponent with a number of brands used together rather than with the quality of the presented goods.

There are a lot of categories and principles according to which it is possible to classify shoppers.

The presented variants of categories which are the ‘coat-hunters’, ‘shop-addicted’, and ‘brand-loving’ shoppers reflect the tendencies in the modern development of the phenomena of consumerism and fashion and accentuate the combination of these concepts with references to the shoppers as the objects of the processes, but not the subjects because the representatives of the mentioned categories form their attitude predominantly according the rules of fashion, but not according to their real desires.

The difference between the categories is also in the fact that shoppers can reject or follow the impact of fashion on the process of buying.

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