15 Bài Mẫu Essay Advantages And Disadvantages Hay Kèm 100+ Đề Tài

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Essay advantages and disadvantages là dạng bài luận quá đỗi quen thuộc đối với các bạn học sinh, sinh viên theo học các chương trình bằng tiếng Anh. Trong quá trình viết essay việc tham khảo các bài mẫu là rất quan trọng để học hỏi cách trình bày, sử dụng từ vựng. Vậy nên Essay24h đã tổng hợp và chia sẻ ngay 15 bài mẫu essay advantages and disadvantages xuất sắc kèm 100+ chủ đề Hot để bạn tiện tham khảo. 

Bài mẫu essay advantages and disadvantages

1. Bài mẫu essay advantages and disadvantages về định hướng giới trẻ hay nhất

Tên đề tài: “In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young young people who decided to do this.”

2. Bài mẫu essay advantages and disadvantages về việc học ngoại ngữ của trẻ em

Tên đề tài: “Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary schools rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?”

3. Bài mẫu essay advantages and disadvantages về vai trò của máy tính xuất sắc nhất

Tên đề tài: “Computers are becoming an essential part of school lessons. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your own opinion.”

4. Bài mẫu essay advantages and disadvantages về chủ đề sở hữu ô tô

Tên đề tài: “Some people claim that there are more disadvantages of car ownership than advantages. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having a car.”

5. Bài mẫu essay advantages and disadvantages chủ đề thông tin cá nhân ấn tượng

Tên đề tài: “The personal information of many individuals is held by large internet companies and organizations. Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?”

6. Bài mẫu essay advantages and disadvantages về việc sử dụng điện thoại ở trẻ em

Tên đề tài: “Many teenagers now have their own Smartphones. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your own opinion.”

7. Bài mẫu essay advantages and disadvantages về sự phát triển du lịch chi tiết nhất

Tên đề tài: “Nowadays, tourism is developing really fast. Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?”

8. Bài mẫu essay advantages and disadvantages chủ đề nhà ở và căn hộ đạt điểm cao

Tên đề tài: “Some people prefer to live in a house while other feel that living in an apartment has more advantages. Discuss advantages and disadvantages?”

9. Bài mẫu essay advantages and disadvantages về chủ đề du học đạt điểm 9

Tên đề tài: “Many young people today leave their own countries to work abroad. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of working abroad and give your own opinion.”

10. Bài mẫu essay advantages and disadvantages chủ đề xu hướng ở nhà thuê

Tên đề tài: “Some people prefer to live in rented homes. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend.”

11. Bài mẫu essay advantages and disadvantages chủ đề thực phẩm đạt 500+ lượt tải

Tên đề tài: “Many foods are shipped from far away. Some people think that eating local food is more environmentally and economically beneficial. Do you think the advantages outweigh its disadvantages?”

12. Bài mẫu essay advantages and disadvantages chủ đề thành thị và nông thôn

Tên đề tài: “Some people think it is better for children to grow up in the city, while others think that life in the countryside is more suitable for them. What are the advantages and disadvantages of both places?”

13. Bài mẫu essay advantages and disadvantages về môi trường làm việc hiện nay

Tên đề tài: “Nowadays, with the advancement of technology and transportation facilities, people can work and live anywhere they want. Discuss its advantages and disadvantages and give your own opinion.”

14. Bài mẫu essay advantages and disadvantages chủ đề mua sắm được đánh giá cao

Tên đề tài: “Nowadays, local shops have been replaced by large supermarkets. Do you think its advantages outweigh the disadvantages?”

15. Bài mẫu essay advantages and disadvantages về sự cạnh tranh chọn lọc

Tên đề tài: “In some cultures children are encouraged to compete against each other. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this approach?”

16. 100 Advantages and disadvantages essay topics

  1. Is homeschooling better than traditional education?
  2. Having a pet: Pros and cons of pet ownership.
  3. The advantages and disadvantages of online friendships.
  4. Exploring the benefits and drawbacks of social media marketing.
  5. The pros and cons of living in a multicultural society.
  6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?
  7. Pros and cons of adopting a minimalist lifestyle.
  8. Discuss the positive and negative aspects of renewable energy adoption.
  9. The benefits and drawbacks of organic farming practices.
  10. The pros and cons of volunteering for community service.
  11. Is nuclear disarmament beneficial or risky?
  12. The advantages and disadvantages of open-source software.
  13. The pros and cons of peer-to-peer lending.
  14. The benefits and pitfalls of online dating apps.
  15. Discuss the positive and negative impacts of automation in the workplace.
  16. Is social media activism effective or superficial?
  17. Pros and cons of using ride-sharing services.
  18. The advantages and disadvantages of telecommuting.
  19. The pros and cons of using biometric identification.
  20. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of online privacy regulations.
  21. Is owning a credit card more advantageous or problematic?
  22. Pros and cons of adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet.
  23. The advantages and disadvantages of remote learning.
  24. Discuss the positive and negative aspects of cryptocurrency adoption.
  25. The pros and cons of using AI in healthcare diagnostics.
  26. Is cultural diversity beneficial or challenging for society?
  27. Pros and cons of space exploration and colonization.
  28. The advantages and disadvantages of electric vehicles.
  29. Is a cashless society more advantageous or risky?
  30. Pros and cons of using artificial intelligence in education.
  31. The benefits and pitfalls of AI-powered virtual assistants.
  32. Is the sharing economy beneficial or detrimental to society?
  33. Pros and cons of mandatory voting in elections.
  34. The advantages and disadvantages of social media influencers.
  35. Is censorship of online content necessary or excessive?
  36. Pros and cons of using biometric authentication for security.
  37. The benefits and drawbacks of renewable energy subsidies.
  38. Is online privacy more important than national security?
  39. Pros and cons of using biotechnology in agriculture.
  40. The advantages and disadvantages of remote work.
  41. Is owning a home more advantageous than renting?
  42. Pros and cons of using AI in criminal justice systems.
  43. The benefits and drawbacks of using drones for various purposes.
  44. Is a college degree worth the investment?
  45. Pros and cons of using AI in creative industries.
  46. The advantages and disadvantages of wearable technology.
  47. Is online learning better than traditional classroom education?
  48. Pros and cons of using AI in financial decision-making.
  49. The benefits and pitfalls of renewable energy transition.
  50. Is universal healthcare more advantageous or problematic?
  51. Pros and cons of using AI in customer service.
  52. The advantages and disadvantages of autonomous vehicles.
  53. Is cryptocurrency the future of finance or a speculative bubble?
  54. Pros and cons of using AI in journalism and media.
  55. The benefits and drawbacks of 3D printing technology.
  56. Is social media a positive force for social change or a platform for misinformation?
  57. Pros and cons of using AI in manufacturing.
  58. The advantages and disadvantages of biometric surveillance.
  59. Is remote work a sustainable solution or a temporary trend?
  60. Pros and cons of using AI in environmental monitoring.
  61. The benefits and drawbacks of gene editing technology.
  62. Is space tourism a promising industry or a luxury for the wealthy?
  63. Pros and cons of using AI in art and creativity.
  64. The advantages and disadvantages of blockchain technology.
  65. Is the use of AI in education enhancing or devaluing human teaching?
  66. Pros and cons of using AI in mental health diagnosis and treatment.
  67. The benefits and drawbacks of electric vs. traditional bicycles.
  68. Is 3D printing revolutionizing manufacturing or creating intellectual property issues?
  69. Pros and cons of using AI in music composition and production.
  70. The advantages and disadvantages of virtual reality technology.
  71. Is automation addressing unemployment or causing it?
  72. Pros and cons of using AI in the legal field.
  73. The benefits and drawbacks of using drones for delivery services.
  74. Is online shopping more convenient or detrimental to local businesses?
  75. Pros and cons of using AI in weather forecasting.
  76. The advantages and disadvantages of biometric payment systems.
  77. Is the gig economy providing flexible work options or exploiting workers?
  78. Pros and cons of using AI in transportation systems.
  79. The benefits and drawbacks of using robots in elderly care.
  80. Is social media connecting people or contributing to isolation?
  81. Is renewable energy a viable solution to climate change or just a temporary fix?
  82. Pros and cons of using AI in disaster response and management.
  83. The benefits and drawbacks of autonomous drones in agriculture.
  84. Is the rise of automation leading to job creation or job displacement?
  85. Pros and cons of using AI in fashion design and manufacturing.
  86. The advantages and disadvantages of using drones in environmental conservation.
  87. Is the use of AI in sports enhancing performance or taking away from the human element?
  88. Pros and cons of using AI in cybersecurity.
  89. The benefits and drawbacks of autonomous delivery vehicles.
  90. Is biotechnology helping to solve global food security issues or creating new problems?
  91. Pros and cons of using AI in creative writing and content generation.
  92. The advantages and disadvantages of using drones in wildlife conservation.
  93. Is the internet of things (IoT) improving convenience or compromising privacy?
  94. Pros and cons of using AI in stock market trading and investments.
  95. The benefits and drawbacks of autonomous underwater vehicles in marine research.
  96. Is the use of AI in criminal profiling enhancing law enforcement or increasing biases?
  97. Pros and cons of using drones in search and rescue missions.
  98. The advantages and disadvantages of using AI in customer relationship management.
  99. Is the growth of AI technology leading to ethical dilemmas or ethical advancements?
  100. Pros and cons of using drones for aerial photography and videography.

Trong bài viết này, Essay24h đã tổng hợp và chia sẻ tới bạn đọc list 15 bài mẫu essay advantages and disadvantages đạt điểm cao các chủ đề cá nhân, trường học, bạn bè, gia đình và mối quan hệ. Bên cạnh đó còn có thêm 100+ đề tài viết essay ấn tượng để bạn tiện tham khảo và áp dụng khi triển khai viết bài luận chủ đề này. Chúc bạn học tốt và đạt kết quả cao nhé!

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CEO Vũ Hà Minh

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