250 Topic + 10 Bài Mẫu Discussion Essay Mới Nhất

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Discussion essay là mẫu bài viết yêu cầu người viết nêu ra hai quan điểm trái ngược nhau và yêu cầu người viết giải thích về cả hai quan điểm đó, đồng thời nêu ra quan điểm cá nhân của mình. Vậy làm cách nào để viết bài luận đạt điểm cao? Hãy cùng Essay24h tham khảo ngay 250 topic kèm 10 bài mẫu discussion essay mới nhất! 

Bài mẫu discussion essay

1. Bài mẫu discussion essay about Health + 50 Topic

1.1. Bài mẫu discussion essay about Health

Topic: Many people think that home-cooked food is healthy, but many people still prefer eating out. Why is this so?

1.2. 50 Health discussion essay Topics


  1. The impact of stress on overall health: Managing exercise vs. a balanced diet.
  2. The role of genetics in determining good health: Nature vs. nurture.
  3. The influence of cultural factors on health choices: Diet vs. exercise.
  4. Technology’s role in promoting a healthy lifestyle: Pros and cons.
  5. The connection between mental health and physical well-being: Exercise and diet considerations.
  6. The role of government policies in promoting healthy lifestyles: Exercise and nutrition.
  7. The significance of sleep in maintaining good health: Exercise and diet implications.
  8. Age-related health considerations: Exercise and balanced diet for different life stages.
  9. The impact of fast food culture on health: Balancing diet and exercise.
  10. Personalized healthcare plans: Exercise, diet, and individual needs.
  11. Balancing health priorities: Work obligations vs. time for exercise and cooking.
  12. Socioeconomic factors and health choices: Exercise, diet, and accessibility.
  13. The role of mindfulness in health management: Exercise, diet, and mental well-being.
  14. Technology’s role in tracking exercise and diet: Boon or bane?
  15. Exercise, diet, and immunity: Strengthening the body’s defenses.
  16. Health education in schools: Focusing on exercise, diet, or both?
  17. Health trends: The evolution of exercise and diet recommendations.
  18. Traditional diets vs. modern exercise routines: Cultural perspectives on health.
  19. Health as a holistic concept: Beyond exercise and diet considerations.
  20. Genetics testing and personalized health recommendations: Exercise, diet, and genes.
  21. Balancing cardio and strength training: Exercise variety in a healthy lifestyle.
  22. Workplace wellness programs: Promoting exercise, diet, or both?
  23. The role of sports in promoting exercise and community health.
  24. Gender perspectives on health: Exercise, diet, and societal expectations.
  25. Health apps and their impact on exercise, diet, and behavior.
  26. Health myths debunked: Exercise, diet, and evidence-based practices.
  27. The future of health: Technological advancements in exercise and diet.
  28. Health and the environment: Sustainable diets and eco-friendly exercise.
  29. Exercise, diet, and chronic disease prevention: Strategies for different illnesses.
  30. Exercise, diet, and addiction recovery: Holistic approaches to healing.
  31. The role of government subsidies in promoting healthy food and exercise options.
  32. Mental health awareness: Integrating exercise, diet, and mindfulness practices.
  33. Fitness trends: Exploring the popularity of different exercise routines.
  34. The impact of social support on maintaining a healthy lifestyle: Friends, family, and community.
  35. Fad diets and exercise crazes: Short-term solutions or sustainable practices?
  36. The connection between socioeconomic status and access to health resources.
  37. The importance of hydration in overall health: Water intake vs. exercise and diet.
  38. Health education in workplaces: Encouraging exercise and healthy eating.
  39. Health disparities among different demographics: Addressing the exercise and diet divide.
  40. Exercise and cognitive function: Boosting brain health through physical activity.
  41. Holistic wellness: Integrating exercise, diet, mental health, and spirituality.
  42. The influence of media on body image and its impact on health choices.
  43. The relationship between sleep patterns and exercise routines: A comprehensive approach.
  44. The role of government regulations in promoting healthier food options.
  45. Health implications of prolonged sitting and sedentary lifestyles: Exercise as prevention.
  46. Mindful eating: Incorporating mindfulness practices into dietary choices.
  47. The impact of cultural celebrations and traditions on health practices.
  48. Health monitoring devices: Wearables, apps, and their effect on exercise and diet.
  49. Exercise and longevity: Exploring the link between physical activity and a longer life.
  50. The psychology of motivation in maintaining exercise and dietary habits.

2. Bài mẫu discussion essay about Education + 50 Topic

2.1. Bài mẫu discussion essay about Education

Topic: Some people think that schools should choose students according to their academic abilities, while others think it is better to have students of different abilities studying together. Discuss both views and state your own opinion?

2.2. Education discussion essay Topics


  1. Vocational training vs. university education: Pathways to success.
  2. The changing value of degrees in the job market: Skills vs. credentials.
  3. Entrepreneurship and education: Starting a business vs. formal degrees.
  4. Lifelong learning: Balancing work experience and continuous education.
  5. The role of internships in career preparation: University vs. work-based learning.
  6. Online education’s impact on traditional universities: Pros and cons.
  7. The influence of family expectations on education choices: Work vs. university.
  8. Specialized training programs vs. broad degrees: Meeting industry needs.
  9. Gap years and career exploration: Delaying education for real-world experience.
  10. Education debt vs. immediate income: Prospects of work vs. university.
  11. The role of networking in career advancement: University connections vs. work relationships.
  12. The evolving job market: Skills that work and university may overlook.
  13. Education and social mobility: Work and university pathways.
  14. Creativity and innovation: Nurturing through work experience or university?
  15. Education’s role beyond employment: Personal growth vs. professional training.
  16. Blurring lines: Work-study programs and practical degrees.
  17. Arts and humanities education: Balancing passion with career prospects.
  18. Parental influence on education choices: Work vs. university expectations.
  19. Education and technological disruption: Preparing for changing industries.
  20. The impact of remote work on education choices: University vs. flexible learning.
  21. The value of general education: Work-based knowledge vs. broad understanding.
  22. Education quality: Comparing work training and university standards.
  23. Education for the digital age: Tech skills from work vs. university programs.
  24. Education’s role in personal development: University experiences vs. life lessons.
  25. Education’s impact on critical thinking: Work challenges vs. academic rigor.
  26. Education and cultural perspectives: Traditional work values vs. university aspirations.
  27. Education in developing countries: Work opportunities vs. limited university access.
  28. Work ethics and values: Learning on the job vs. in a university setting.
  29. Education as a social equalizer: Work experience and university degrees.
  30. Education’s role in societal progress: Work contributions vs. university research.
  31. Lifelong learning for career advancement: Balancing work experience with ongoing education.
  32. The role of non-traditional education platforms: Online courses, workshops, and skill-building.
  33. The impact of global events on education choices: Workforce shifts vs. university enrollment.
  34. Education as a means of social change: University activism vs. workplace influence.
  35. The changing role of educators: Adapting to technology in both work and education settings.
  36. Education for sustainable development: Preparing students for environmental challenges.
  37. The relevance of trade schools and vocational programs in modern education.
  38. Balancing liberal arts education with career-focused training: Finding a middle ground.
  39. The role of emotional intelligence in education: Soft skills vs. technical knowledge.
  40. The influence of educational funding on the quality of both work and university programs.
  41. Micro-credentials and nano-degrees: Augmenting work skills through short-term education.
  42. The impact of remote work on traditional university experiences: Shaping student choices.
  43. Education for the gig economy: Preparing students for non-traditional employment.
  44. The role of practical experience in enriching university education.
  45. Technology’s impact on education methods: Virtual classrooms vs. traditional lectures.
  46. The effectiveness of competency-based education in the workplace.
  47. Hybrid education models: Blending traditional universities with real-world internships.
  48. The role of mentors in career development: University professors vs. industry professionals.
  49. The psychology of motivation in pursuing both work and educational goals.
  50. Education and intergenerational knowledge transfer: Learning from older generations’ experiences.

3. Bài mẫu discussion essay about Homework + 50 Topic

3.1. Bài mẫu discussion essay about Homework

Topic: Some people believe that school children should not be given homework by their teachers, whereas others argue that homework plays an important role in the education of children. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion.

3.2. Homework discussion essay Topics


  1. The psychological impact of excessive homework on students’ well-being.
  2. The role of parental involvement in homework assignments.
  3. Homework and time management skills: Preparing students for the future.
  4. The effectiveness of homework in reinforcing classroom learning.
  5. Homework load and student stress: Balancing educational needs.
  6. Homework alternatives: In-class activities vs. take-home assignments.
  7. Homework and academic performance: Correlation and causation.
  8. Homework’s role in developing independent study habits.
  9. The digital age and changing attitudes toward traditional homework.
  10. Homework in a diverse classroom: Addressing different learning needs.
  11. Homework vs. extracurricular activities: Striking a balance for students.
  12. Homework’s impact on family time and relationships.
  13. Homework and creative thinking: Nurturing innovation outside the classroom.
  14. Homework in the age of online resources: Reinventing its purpose.
  15. The role of feedback in making homework effective for student learning.
  16. Homework equity: Addressing disparities in access and support.
  17. Homework’s connection to long-term memory and retention of knowledge.
  18. Homework and life skills: Preparing students for practical challenges.
  19. Homework and cultural differences: Tailoring assignments to diverse backgrounds.
  20. Homework and teacher workload: Finding the right balance.
  21. Homework’s place in project-based and experiential learning approaches.
  22. Homework and the digital divide: Ensuring equal opportunities.
  23. Homework and student motivation: Fostering a love for learning.
  24. Homework in the context of standardized testing: Friend or foe?
  25. Homework and parental roles in education: Balancing support and independence.
  26. Homework and peer collaboration: Encouraging group learning.
  27. Homework’s impact on academic inequality: Addressing educational disparities.
  28. Homework and teacher-student relationships: Nurturing communication.
  29. Homework’s alignment with real-world skills: Practical applications.
  30. Homework’s evolution: Adapting to changing educational goals.
  31. The role of parental involvement in supporting students with homework assignments.
  32. Homework and creativity: Fostering innovative thinking outside the classroom.
  33. Homework adaptation for students with diverse learning needs.
  34. Peer collaboration in homework assignments: Balancing teamwork and individual learning.
  35. Homework and the development of time management skills: Real-world applications.
  36. The impact of educational technology on homework practices.
  37. Homework’s role in reinforcing critical thinking skills acquired in the classroom.
  38. The correlation between homework load and academic performance.
  39. Homework as a bridge between classroom learning and practical application.
  40. The evolving concept of homework in flipped classroom environments.
  41. The role of homework in shaping students’ work ethic and perseverance.
  42. The impact of homework on family dynamics: Supportive vs. stressful experiences.
  43. Homework’s alignment with career-readiness skills: Beyond academic knowledge.
  44. Homework alternatives for promoting hands-on learning and creativity.
  45. Homework in cross-disciplinary education: Bridging subject boundaries.
  46. The role of homework in fostering independence and self-directed learning.
  47. Homework’s relevance in different stages of education: Elementary vs. secondary vs. university.
  48. The impact of parental involvement on students’ attitude toward homework.
  49. Homework and global perspectives on education: Different cultures, different approaches.
  50. Homework’s role in building strong study habits for lifelong learning.

4. Bài mẫu discussion essay about Technology + 50 Topic

4.1. Bài mẫu discussion essay about Technology

Topic: Some people argue that technological inventions, such as smartphones, are making people socially less interactive. Discuss both views.

4.2. Technology discussion essay Topics:


  1. The influence of social media on interpersonal relationships: Connection vs. isolation.
  2. Technological advancements and mental health: Enhancing well-being or exacerbating issues?
  3. The role of virtual reality in bridging geographical gaps: Unity vs. isolation.
  4. Technology’s impact on family dynamics: Bringing together or driving apart?
  5. The balance between screen time and face-to-face interactions in modern life.
  6. Online communities and social belonging: Fostering connection or superficiality?
  7. The paradox of constant connectivity: Is technology isolating us?
  8. The role of AI in human interaction: Enhancing or replacing personal connections?
  9. Technology’s role in democratizing education: Bridging gaps or perpetuating divides?
  10. The digital generation gap: Bridging communication divides between age groups.
  11. The impact of remote work on social interactions and work-life balance.
  12. Technology and cultural preservation: Connecting or distancing from heritage?
  13. The influence of dating apps on modern relationships: Facilitating connections or superficial encounters?
  14. Technology in education: Enhancing collaboration or encouraging isolation?
  15. Virtual friendships vs. real-life friendships: Navigating the dynamics of both.
  16. The role of online gaming communities in fostering social interactions.
  17. Technology’s impact on empathy and emotional connections: A double-edged sword?
  18. Balancing online activism with real-world engagement: Creating change or complacency?
  19. The illusion of online intimacy: Nurturing relationships through screens.
  20. Technology’s impact on language and communication: Advancements vs. deterioration.
  21. The rise of remote communication: Strengthening global connections or weakening local ties?
  22. Technology’s role in mental health support: Accessibility vs. authenticity.
  23. The erosion of privacy in the digital age: Connectivity vs. personal space.
  24. The role of wearable technology in promoting a healthy lifestyle: Empowerment vs. dependency.
  25. Technology and the aging population: Bridging the gap or exacerbating isolation?
  26. The impact of AI-generated content on human creativity and authenticity.
  27. The evolving concept of friendship in the digital era: Quality vs. quantity.
  28. Virtual events and experiences: Enriching lives or diminishing real-life engagement?
  29. The implications of online education for social skills and personal development.
  30. Technology and empathy: Can virtual interactions truly foster understanding?
  31. The ethics of AI in decision-making: Empowerment vs. relinquishing control.
  32. The implications of virtual reality on empathy and perspective-taking.
  33. The dark side of social media: Isolation, comparison, and mental health issues.
  34. Technology and language evolution: The impact of emojis, slang, and digital communication.
  35. Online activism vs. real-world impact: The power and limitations of digital movements.
  36. The consequences of “cancel culture” in the age of online communication.
  37. The rise of telemedicine: Convenience vs. quality of healthcare.
  38. The role of technology in disaster response and recovery efforts.
  39. Technology and environmental conservation: Balancing innovation with ecological impact.
  40. The effect of screen time on children’s cognitive development and social skills.
  41. The psychology of online identity and its implications for personal relationships.
  42. The impact of algorithmic bias on technology’s role in decision-making.
  43. The future of work in a tech-driven world: Job displacement vs. new opportunities.
  44. The role of technology in preserving indigenous cultures and languages.
  45. Digital detox and unplugging: Navigating the balance between online and offline life.
  46. The role of technology in reshaping the entertainment industry: Streaming vs. traditional media.
  47. The implications of 5G technology on connectivity, privacy, and communication.
  48. The impact of virtual events on the future of in-person gatherings and conferences.
  49. Technology’s influence on political discourse and democracy: Connection vs. division.
  50. The ethical considerations of human augmentation through technology.

5. Bài mẫu discussion essay about Animals + 44 Topic

5.1. Bài mẫu discussion essay about Animals

Topic: Some people say that animals can be used in any way for the benefit of humans. Others say that exploiting animals for human purposes is not acceptable. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

5.2. Animals discussion essay Topics


  1. Zoos as conservation tools: Successes and failures in protecting endangered species.
  2. Animal welfare in captivity: Balancing preservation and ethical treatment.
  3. The psychological well-being of animals in zoos: Comfort vs. confinement.
  4. The role of technology in creating virtual habitats for wildlife: Enhancing education or distorting reality?
  5. The ethics of keeping marine animals in captivity: Education vs. cruelty.
  6. The impact of zoos on public awareness of wildlife conservation.
  7. Zoos and the rehabilitation of injured or orphaned animals: Compassion vs. exploitation.
  8. The role of sanctuary environments in promoting ethical animal care.
  9. The economic impact of zoos on local communities: Tourism vs. ethical concerns.
  10. The rise of eco-tourism and its potential to support wildlife conservation.
  11. The role of zoos in breeding endangered species: Survival vs. genetic diversity.
  12. Animals in entertainment: Circuses, aquariums, and ethics of public display.
  13. The challenges of reintroducing animals to the wild after captivity.
  14. Animal rights and the debate over zoos: Liberation vs. preservation.
  15. The implications of captive breeding programs for species survival.
  16. The role of animal-assisted therapy in promoting human well-being.
  17. The changing public perception of zoos: Entertainment vs. education.
  18. The impact of habitat destruction on the relevance of zoos in conservation efforts.
  19. The cultural significance of zoos in different societies: Past, present, and future.
  20. The potential harms of keeping intelligent animals in captivity: Mental stimulation vs. confinement.
  21. The role of animals in scientific research: Ethics and advancements.
  22. The connection between zoos and illegal wildlife trade: Aiding conservation or promoting exploitation?
  23. Animal captivity and cultural preservation: Balancing tradition and ethics.
  24. The impact of documentaries and media on public attitudes toward zoos.
  25. Wildlife tourism and responsible practices: Education and conservation vs. disruption.
  26. Zoos and education: Inspiring empathy and awareness or perpetuating stereotypes?
  27. The rehabilitation and release of captive animals: Success stories and challenges.
  28. The role of animals in therapeutic settings: Healing potential vs. ethical concerns.
  29. The potential of virtual reality in providing ethical animal interactions.
  30. Zoos of the future: Innovations in animal care and conservation efforts.
  31. Zoos as educational institutions: Inspiring curiosity and wildlife appreciation.
  32. Animal rights activism and its impact on zoos and wildlife conservation efforts.
  33. The intersection of indigenous knowledge and modern wildlife conservation practices.
  34. The role of public perception in shaping animal welfare standards in zoos.
  35. The impact of climate change on the habitats of zoo animals and their conservation.
  36. The role of animal therapy in improving mental health and well-being.
  37. The ethical considerations of using animals in scientific research for human benefit.
  38. Urbanization and its effect on wildlife habitats: The relevance of zoos in preservation.
  39. The potential of biomimicry in technological and design innovations inspired by animals.
  40. Animal farming and ethical consumption: Balancing conservation with dietary choices.
  41. Wildlife tourism and ethical considerations: Educating visitors vs. exploiting animals.
  42. The concept of rewilding and its role in restoring ecosystems and protecting species.
  43. The implications of genetic engineering and cloning in animal conservation.
  44. The responsibility of humans in mitigating human-wild

6. Bài mẫu discussion essay about advantages and disadvantages

Topic: What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization? Do the benefits outweigh the drawbacks?

7. Bài mẫu discussion essay about life

Topic: Happiness is considered very important in life. Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness?

8. Bài mẫu discussion essay about environment

Topic: Explain some of the ways in which human are damaging the environment. What can governments do to address these problems? What can individual people do?

9. Bài mẫu discussion essay about compare and contrast

Topic: There have been many advances in technology over the past fifty years. These have revolutionised the way we communicate with people who are far away. Compare and contrast methods of communication used today with those which were used in the past.

10. Bài mẫu discussion essay about argumentative

Topic: The Legalization of Gambling: A Question of Friend or Foe?

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CEO Vũ Hà Minh

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