250 Topic + 10 Bài Argumentative Essay Mẫu Mới Nhất

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Argumentative Essay là một dạng bài luận quen thuộc, yêu cầu người viết trình bày quan điểm về một vấn đề cụ thể. Để tăng sức thuyết phục cho bài luận việc tham khảo thông tin, dữ liệu và cách trình bày từ bài mẫu là việc làm cần thiết. Dưới đây Essay24 chia sẻ đến bạn list 10 bài argumentative essay mẫu ấn tượng nhất với các đề tài quen thuộc kèm 250+ topics hay nhất. Xem và download ngay nhé!

Argumentative essay

1. Bài argumentative essay mẫu about Social Media and Technology + 10 Topic

1.1. Bài argumentative essay mẫu about Social Media and Technology

Topic: “Some people think that social networking sites have a huge negative impact on both individuals and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree.”

1.2. 10 Politics and Society argumentative essay Topics

Politics and Society:

  1. The influence of social media on political viewpoints.
  2. Measures to reduce the wealth gap.
  3. The necessity of the Fourth Industrial Revolution for job creation.
  4. Representative democracy vs. direct democracy: Which is more effective?
  5. Balancing freedom of speech with the dangers of misinformation.
  6. The impact of climate change on global economic policies.
  7. The tension between individual property rights and the common good.
  8. The effectiveness of capital punishment for serious crimes.
  9. The role of mass media in shaping public perception and truth.
  10. Citizens’ role in combating corruption within governments.

2. Bài argumentative essay mẫu about Education + 10 Topic

2.1. Bài argumentative essay mẫu about Education

Topic: “University education should be free for all students. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”

2.2. Education argumentative essay Topics


  1. Pros and cons of integrating technology in education.
  2. The importance of learning foreign languages from an early age.
  3. Effectiveness of homeschooling compared to traditional classroom learning.
  4. Fostering creativity in students through the education system.
  5. Incorporating life skills into the curriculum: Why is it crucial?
  6. Implications of a trimester-based academic year structure.
  7. Examining the efficacy of standardized testing.
  8. Teachers’ impact on developing students’ moral character.
  9. Pros and cons of online learning during pandemics.
  10. Impact of free education systems on equal opportunity.

3. Bài argumentative essay mẫu about Science and Technology + 10 Topic

3.1. Bài argumentative essay mẫu about Science and Technology

Topic: “It is said that science and technology are making people lazier. Do you agree or disagree?”

3.2. Science and Technology argumentative essay Topics

Science and Technology:

  1. The impact of artificial intelligence on the future job landscape.
  2. The risks and benefits of advancements in biotechnology.
  3. The significance of renewable energy in combating climate change.
  4. How space exploration drives technological innovation on Earth.
  5. Ethical considerations of gene editing and designer babies.
  6. Balancing privacy concerns with the potential of surveillance technology.
  7. The role of technology in modern healthcare systems.
  8. The pros and cons of using genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture.
  9. The impact of automation on various industries and employment.
  10. The ethical dilemmas surrounding emerging technologies.

4. Bài argumentative essay mẫu about Health and Medicine + 10 Topic

4.1. Bài argumentative essay mẫu about Health and Medicine

Topic: “Governments should spend more money on medical research and less on researching the environment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”

4.2. Health and Medicine argumentative essay Topics

Health and Medicine:

  1. The benefits and drawbacks of universal healthcare systems.
  2. The role of the government in promoting a healthy lifestyle among citizens.
  3. The morality of euthanasia and assisted suicide.
  4. Exploring alternative medicine: Efficacy and risks.
  5. The impact of pharmaceutical companies on medical treatment decisions.
  6. The influence of advertising on people’s perception of beauty and body image.
  7. The ethical implications of using animals in medical research.
  8. The benefits and risks of vaccination mandates.
  9. Addressing mental health stigma in society.
  10. The accessibility of healthcare in rural areas compared to urban centers.

5. Bài argumentative essay mẫu about Environment and Sustainability + 10 Topic

5.1. Bài argumentative essay mẫu about Environment and Sustainability

Topic: “Environmental protection is the responsibility of politicians, not individuals as individuals can do too little. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”

5.2. Environment and Sustainability argumentative essay Topics

Environment and Sustainability:

  1. The role of individuals in combating climate change.
  2. Balancing economic growth with environmental conservation.
  3. The benefits of transitioning to a circular economy.
  4. The impact of deforestation on biodiversity and climate change.
  5. The effectiveness of international agreements in addressing environmental issues.
  6. The necessity of reducing single-use plastics and promoting recycling.
  7. The role of governments in regulating and incentivizing renewable energy adoption.
  8. The consequences of overfishing and ways to ensure sustainable fisheries.
  9. The ethics of animal testing in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries.
  10. The relationship between consumerism and environmental degradation.

6. Bài argumentative essay mẫu about Ethics and Morality + 10 Topic

6.1. Bài argumentative essay mẫu about Ethics and Morality

Topic: “Some people think the qualities a person needs to become successful in today’s world cannot be learned at a university or similar academic institution. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”

6.2. Ethics and Morality argumentative essay Topics

Ethics and Morality:

  1. The cultural relativity of ethical principles.
  2. The morality of capital punishment in different societies.
  3. The balance between individual rights and the common good.
  4. Ethical considerations of AI and automation displacing human jobs.
  5. The implications of cloning and genetic manipulation on human identity.
  6. The moral dilemmas of assisted reproductive technologies (ART).
  7. The role of businesses in addressing social and environmental issues.
  8. The ethics of cultural appropriation in the arts and fashion.
  9. The boundaries between freedom of expression and hate speech.
  10. The impact of the media on shaping societal norms and values.

7. Bài argumentative essay mẫu about Economics and Business + 10 Topic

7.1. Bài argumentative essay mẫu about Economics and Business

Topic: “The spread of multinational companies and the resulting increase of globalization produce positive effects to everyone. Do you agree or disagree?

7.2. Economics and Business argumentative essay Topics

Economics and Business:

  1. The benefits and drawbacks of globalization on economies.
  2. Income inequality: Causes, consequences, and potential solutions.
  3. The role of governments in regulating big tech companies.
  4. The impact of automation on income distribution and job availability.
  5. The ethics of corporate tax avoidance and offshore accounts.
  6. The implications of a cashless society on privacy and accessibility.
  7. The advantages and disadvantages of minimum wage laws.
  8. The relationship between economic growth and environmental degradation.
  9. The effectiveness of sanctions as a diplomatic tool.
  10. Exploring the gig economy: Opportunities and challenges for workers.

8. Bài argumentative essay mẫu about Culture and Arts + 10 Topic

8.1. Bài argumentative essay mẫu about Culture and Arts

Topic: “Some people say music is a good way of bringing people of different cultures and ages together. To what extent do you agree or disagree”

8.2. Culture and Arts argumentative essay Topics

Culture and Arts:

  1. The impact of social media on the art and entertainment industries.
  2. The preservation of cultural heritage in the face of globalization.
  3. The influence of pop culture on societal norms and values.
  4. The ethics of cultural appropriation in music, literature, and other arts.
  5. The role of government funding in supporting the arts.
  6. The effects of streaming services on traditional media (TV, radio, etc.).
  7. The tension between artistic freedom and responsible content creation.
  8. The portrayal of gender and diversity in media and advertising.
  9. The impact of celebrity endorsements on consumer behavior.
  10. The role of art in promoting social change and activism.

9. Bài argumentative essay mẫu about Legal and Justice System + 10 Topic

9.1. Bài argumentative essay mẫu about Legal and Justice System

Topic: “Some believe that younger family members should be legally responsible for supporting older family members when they become physically, mentally and financially unable to look after themselves. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”

9.2. Legal and Justice System argumentative essay Topics

Legal and Justice System:

  1. The pros and cons of a jury-based legal system.
  2. The ethics of plea bargaining and its impact on justice.
  3. Balancing the rights of accused individuals with the need for public safety.
  4. The implications of mandatory sentencing laws on criminal justice.
  5. The role of restorative justice in modern legal systems.
  6. The challenges of implementing effective gun control measures.
  7. The ethics of using predictive policing algorithms.
  8. The impact of private prisons on criminal justice outcomes.
  9. The rehabilitation vs. punishment debate in correctional systems.
  10. The need for comprehensive immigration reform in the justice system.

10. Bài argumentative essay mẫu about Relationships and Family + 50 Topic

10.1. Bài argumentative essay mẫu about Relationships and Family

Topic: “Families who send their children to private schools should not be required to pay taxes that support the state education system. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”

10.2. Relationships and Family argumentative essay Topics

Relationships and Family:

  1. The evolving definition of family in modern society.
  2. The impact of technology on interpersonal relationships.
  3. The role of parents in shaping their children’s identity and beliefs.
  4. The benefits and challenges of same-sex parenting.
  5. The cultural variations in dating and marriage practices.
  6. The implications of prenuptial agreements on romantic relationships.
  7. The ethics of surrogate motherhood and commercial surrogacy.
  8. The role of marriage in maintaining social stability.
  9. The impact of divorce on children’s emotional and psychological well-being.
  10. The changing dynamics of gender roles and expectations in relationships.

11. Bài argumentative essay mẫu about Social Media and Technology + 20 Topic

11.1. Bài argumentative essay mẫu about Social Media and Technology

Topic: “Many people think modern communication technology is having some negative effects on social relationships. Do you agree or disagree?”


11.2. 20 Social Media and Technology argumentative essay Topics

Social Media and Technology:

  1. The impact of social media on real-life social interactions and relationships.
  2. Does excessive use of social media contribute to feelings of loneliness and isolation?
  3. Social media’s role in shaping public opinion and influencing political outcomes.
  4. The benefits and drawbacks of using social media for business marketing.
  5. The ethical implications of data privacy and user information on social media platforms.
  6. Is social media responsible for the rise in mental health issues among young people?
  7. The role of social media in spreading fake news and misinformation.
  8. Does social media contribute to the creation of echo chambers and polarization?
  9. The effects of cyberbullying and online harassment on individuals’ mental well-being.
  10. Should social media platforms be held accountable for regulating hate speech and harmful content?
  11. The influence of technology on modern relationships and dating practices.
  12. The impact of smartphones on attention spans and cognitive abilities.
  13. Does technology make people more or less productive in their daily lives?
  14. The ethical considerations of using facial recognition technology for surveillance.
  15. How is technology transforming the job market and the nature of work?
  16. The role of artificial intelligence in healthcare diagnosis and treatment.
  17. Should schools integrate more technology into the classroom or maintain traditional methods?
  18. The effects of screen time on children’s development and academic performance.
  19. The implications of virtual reality for education, entertainment, and personal experiences.
  20. Is technology deepening the generation gap and widening inequalities?

Vậy là trong bài viết này, Essay24 đã tổng hợp và chia sẻ đến bạn list 10 bài argumentative essay mẫu ấn tượng nhất được chọn từ nguồn uy tín kèm gợi ý 250+ topics quen thuộc, được đánh giá cao. Hy vọng với nguồn tài liệu tham khảo này, bạn sẽ áp dụng thành công và có cho mình nhiều ý tưởng hay, mới lạ khi viết essay chủ đề này. Chúc bạn học tốt và đạt kết quả cao nhé!

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CEO Vũ Hà Minh

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